Friday, October 16, 2015

Broadening my Horizons

I know that this will break your heart
But we know this can't forever be;
I've tried and tried to make it work
But this is the end for me.

Blogs shouldn't be like this
It should come quite easy;
As you cope with life together
I know to you this sounds cheesey.

The battles should be with the outside world
Not with us here inside our home;
We can't agree on anything
But I'm not going to moan.

So, farewell to my blog
  What's done has now been done;
And looking up, I smile:
The fun has now begun.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you call a monkey with a banana in his ear?
[Anything you want--he can't hear you!]

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Weekly Pic

Weekly Joke

Bill once had a summer job as a truck driver. Twice a week, he hauled loads on the interstate between Cincinnati and Atlanta. He always stopped for lunch at Joe's Diner, a friendly little truck stop about halfway between the two cities.
          One day Bill parked his truck, walked into Joe's Diner, sat down on a stool at the counter and ordered lunch. Off in the distance, there was a roar and a cloud of dust. As the roar got closer, out of the cloud of dust came twelve gang members on motorcycles. The bikers parked their cycles and stomped into the diner. They formed a semicircle around Bill and began to snap their fingers in a rhythmic cadence. Bill sat at the counter, unperturbed, eating his lunch. Then the leader of the gang silenced his men, pointed at two of them, pointed at Bill and snapped his fingers. The two bikers went over to Bill. One of them poured iced tea over Bill's head. The other picked up the mashed potatoes and smashed them into Bill's face. Then the two of them knocked him off the stool and beat him to a pulp. Bill never said a word. He got up, brushed himself off, paid Joe for the lunch and left.
          The leader of the motorcycle gang swaggered over to Joe and said, "That guy's not much of a man, is he? He didn't even stand up for himself." "No," Joe replied as he looked out the window, "and he's not much of a truck driver either. He just ran over twelve motorcycles."

Friday, October 2, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a young fellow named Weir,
Who hadn't an atom of fear.
He indulged a desire
To touch a live wire.
(Most any last line will do here!)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Where do turkeys go to dance?
[The butterball.]

Weekly Pic

Weekly Joke

"A man called Bob was really worried. his friend,
James, walked over to him. 'I am in distress!'
Bob cried. James looked at Bob and asked, 'What dress?' "

Friday, September 25, 2015

Weelky Limerick

I'd rather have Fingers than Toes;
And I'd rather have Ears than a Nose;
And as for my Hair,
I'm glad it's all there:
I'll be awfully said, when it goes.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you get if you cross a tiger and a blizzard?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Weekly Limerick

An elderly bride of Port Jervis
Was quite understandably nervous.
Since her apple-cheeked groom,
With three wives in the tomb,
Kept insuring her during the service.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you call a man who was squashed by a steamroller?
[Very, very flat.]

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Weekly Joke

So, a pig walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water.
The bartender looks at him and asks, "are you really a talking pig?"

Friday, September 11, 2015

Weekly Limerick

To compose a sonata today,
Don't proceed in the old-fashioned way:
With your toes on the keys,
Bang the floor with your knees:
"Oh how modern!" the critics will say.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Weekly Riddle

[I actually don't know what the answer is to this riddle. Please help me figure it out!]

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Weekly Joke

The native student, writing a letter to the superintendent of the mission, desired to end with the words: "May Heaven preserve you." Not being quite confident of the meaning of "preserve," he looked it up in a dictionary. When the letter reached the superintendent, it ended with the words: "And may Heaven pickle you."

Friday, September 4, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a young lady named Perkins,
Who just simply doted on gherkins.
In spite of advice,
She ate so much spice,
That she pickled her internal workins'.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you call Batman, run over by a steamroller?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Weekly Joke

Brit and his family were about to take off on an airplane.
"You need to buckle your seatbelt now," his dad said.
"But I'm Superman," Brit complained. "I don't need to wear a seatbelt."
"If you were Superman, you wouldn't need an airplane, either."

Friday, August 28, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a young lady from Niger,
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.
They came back from the ride
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Why did the window have to be taken to to the doctors office?
[It was suffering from windowpanes.]

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Weekly Joke

"Do you think the skunk would be considered a very popular animal?" asked the teacher. "No," answered the student, "but it's always the scenter of attention."

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you call Batman after he's been flattened by a steamroller?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Weekly Limerick

A nifty young flapper named Jane
While walking was caught in the rain.
She ran--almost flew,
Her complexion did too,
And she reached home exceedingly plain.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Hint: The answer isn't 25.
Try to figure it out before seeing the answer.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Weekly Joke

Did you hear about the snail that was mugged by a turtle? When the police asked for a description of the suspect, the snail replied, "I don't know. It all happened so fast..."

Friday, August 14, 2015

Weekly Limerick

A maiden at college, Miss Breeze,
Weighed down by B.A.s and Lit.D's,
Collapsed from the strain,
Said her doctor, "It's plain
You are killing yourself --- by degrees!"

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Why did the first hand cross the street?
[To get to the second hand shop.]

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Weekly Joke

Did you hear about the dweeb who kept a stick of dynamite in his car's emergency repair kit? He figured if he got a flat he could blow up his tires.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a young lady from Niger,
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.
They came back from the ride
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Weekly Riddle

An artist showed off a portrait he painted. When asked who the man in the painting was, he answered, "Brothers and sisters I have none, but this man's father is my father's son."
Who is the man in the portrait?
[His son.]

Friday, July 31, 2015

Weekly Limerick

This was suggested by Mckim Colaire!
There was a man that I despise.
For he always told too many lies.
He called someone slim
But the joke was on him
And now he sits at home and cries.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Weekly Joke

A Scotsman arrived in New York and soon was set up in his own apartment.
After a few weeks, his mother called to see how he was doing.
"Terrible!" replied the Scotsman. "All day long some crazy guy
bangs on my wall and yells, 'I can't take it anymore!
I can't take it anymore!'"  "I'm so sorry," said his mother. "But that's
not all," said the Scotsman. "On the other side some woman cries and
moans all day long." "Well, Son," advised his mother, "if I were you,
I'd keep to myself." "Oh, I do," replied the Scotsman. 
"I just sit in my room all day and play the bagpipes."

Friday, July 24, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a young lady named Perkins,
Who just simply doted on gherkins.
In spite of advice,
She ate so much spice,
That she pickled her internal workins'.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil?
["Stop going in circles and get to the point."]

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Weekly Joke

An able-bodied seaman met a pirate and they took turns recounting their adventures at sea.
Noting the pirate's pegleg, hook, and eye patch, the seaman asked, "So, how did you end up
with the pegleg?" "Well," said the pirate, "we was caught in a monster storm off the cape
and a giant wave swept me overboard. Just as they were pullin' me out, a school of
sharks appeared and one of 'em bit me leg off." "Blimey!" exclaimed the seaman.
"What about the hook?" "Ahhhh," continued the pirate, "we were boardin' a trader
ship, pistols blastin' and swords swingin' this way and that. Somehow I got me hand
got chopped off." "Zounds!" remarked the seaman. "And how came ye by the eye patch?"
"A seagull droppin' fell into me eye," answered the pirate. "You lost your eye to a seagull dropping?" the sailor asked incredulously. "Agh," said the pirate, "it was me first day with the hook."

Friday, July 17, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was an old man of Nantucket
Who kept all his cash in a bucket;
But his daughter, named Nan
Ran away with a man --
And as far as the bucket, Nantucket.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Weekly Joke

 Little Jimmy came home from a birthday party, waving his door prize excitedly at his mother.
"Look what I won, Mom!" 
"Why, it's a thermos," said Jimmy's mother. 
"What's a thermos? said Jimmy. 
"A thermos keeps hot things hot and cold things cold." 
The next morning Jimmy packed his lunch and was about to leave for school when his mother stopped him. "Jimmy, what did you pack for lunch?" 
"Don't worry, Mom, I have it all in my thermos." 
"What did you put in there?" 
"A cup of soup and a popsicle."

Friday, July 10, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a young lady named Hannah,
Who slipped on a peel of banana.
As she lay on her side,
More stars she espied
Than there are in the Star-Spangled Banner.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Weekly Riddle

  Where do baby Vikings go when their parents are at work?
[To the Norse-ery.]

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Weekly Joke

Did you hear about the crook who tried to hijack a busload of tourists? The police have 2,000 photographs of the suspect.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Weekly Limerick

An elderly man called Keith
Mislaid his set of false teeth - 
They'd been laid on a chair,
He'd forgot they were there,
 Sat down, and was bitten beneath.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Weekly Joke

 Out of 10 people,
there are those that know Binary,
those that don't,
and those that are surprised that this is a base 3 joke.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Weekly Limerick

A newspaper man named Fling
Could make "copy" from any old thing.
But the copy he wrote
Of a five dollar note
Was so good he is now in Sing Sing.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you get when you cross a karate expert with a pig?
[A porkchop.]

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Weekly Joke

A zookeeper is ordering new 
animals. As he fills out the forms,
he types “two mongeese.” That doesn’t look right,
so he tries “two mongoose,” then “two mongooses.”
Giving up, he types, “One mongoose, and
while you’re at it, send another one.”

Friday, June 19, 2015

Weekly Limerick

A crossword compiler named Moss
Who found himself quite at a loss
When asked, “Why so blue?”
Said, “I haven’t a clue,
I’m 2 Down to put 1 Across.”

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Weekly Joke

"A blonde, a redhead, and a brunette were all lost in the desert. They found a lamp and rubbed it. A genie popped out and granted them each one wish. The redhead wished to be back home. Poof! She was back home. The brunette wished to be at home with her family. Poof! She was back home with her family. The blonde said, 'Awwww, I wish my friends were here.' " 
Oh, well.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Weekly Limerick

I need a front door for my hall;
The replacement I bought was too tall.
So I hacked it and chopped it 
And carefully lopped it;
And now the dumb thing is too small. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Where do bears like to stay when they go on vacation?
[At cave-inns.]

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Weekly Joke

" 'Someone's been eating my soup!' yelled Papa Bear,
finding his bowl empty at the supper table.
'And someone's been eating my soup!' yelled
Baby Bear. His bowl was empty, too.
'Stop worrying,' said Mama Bear.
'I'm still cooking it.' "

Friday, June 5, 2015

Weekly Limerick

"There was an old man from Milan,
Whose limericks never would scan.
When told this was so, 
He said, 'yes, I know.
'But I always try to get as many syllables into the last line as I possibly can.' "

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Where do teachers prefer to operate?
[On multiplication tables.]

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Weekly Joke

" 'What can you tell us about the Iron age?' asked the teacher.
The student thought for a moment. 'Well, I imagine things
got pretty rusty after heavy rains.' "

Friday, May 29, 2015

Weekly Limerick

“It’s crescent shaped rolls that I want!”
Cooed the shapely, urbane debutante.
  “Didn’t rush off to town
And just scarf 1 Down;
I relaxed when I 8 Across aunt.”

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What's the difference between
a moldy vegetable and
a depressing song?
[One is a bad salad, the other is a sad ballad.]

Weekly Pic

Weekly Joke

"A woman returned to the supermarket with her nine bags of groceries and a long receipt.
She demanded to see the store manager. 'What's the problem?' the manager asked.
'You can see bright here on the receipt that I paid for two TV dinners,'
the woman fumed. 'So where's the TV?' "

Weekly Video

Friday, May 22, 2015

Weekly Limerick

A canny young fisher named Fisher
Once fished from the edge of a fissure.
A fish with a grin
Pulled the fisherman in ---
Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Weekly Joke

"Two boys were walking home from the creek with a nice string of fish.
They'd had a great day fishing, but their prizes were starting to emit
a strong, unpleasant odor. 'I sure wish there was some way
we could keep 'em from smelling,' said one boy.
'Well,' said the other, 'I reckon we could clamp their noses.' "

Friday, May 15, 2015

Weekly Limerick

I bought a new Hoover today,
Plugged it in in the usual way,
Switched it on - what a din;
It sucked everything in,
Now I'm homeless with no place to stay.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Wekly Riddle

Why was the farmer so stressed out?
[He was studying for the soil test.]

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Weekly Joke

" 'Do you think we should buy a horse or a cow
with our harvest money this autumn?'
a farmer asked his wife.
'Well, the neighbors sure would laugh at you
if they saw you trying to milk a horse.'
'That's true. Of course, they'd laugh at me
if they saw me trying to ride a cow, too' "

Friday, May 8, 2015

Weekly Limerick

One Saturday morning at three
A cheesemonger's shop in Paree
Collapsed to the ground 
With a thunderous sound
Leaving only a pile of de brie.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What did the farmer do when he finally caught the stray pig?
[He put it in hamcuffs.]

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Weekly Joke

" 'Doctor,' screamed a caller on the phone,
'I've just swallowed a camera with
a roll of film in it.' 'Well, just sit tight,'
the doctor said. 'Let's just wait and see what develops.' "

Friday, May 1, 2015

Weekly Limerick

Is it me or the nature of money
That's odd and peculiar? Funny,
But when I have dough 
It goes quickly, you know, 
And seeps out of my pockets like honey.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Why did the window have to be taken to the doctor's office?
[She was suffering from window panes.]

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Weekly Joke

"A man called Bob was really worried. his friend,
James, walked over to him. 'I am in distress!'
Bob cried. James looked at Bob and asked, 'What dress?' "

Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a young lady of Lynn,
Who was so excessively thin,
That when she assayed
To drink lemonade
She slipped through the straw and fell in.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you get when you cross:
Something that goes well with cheese?
[A Firecracker]

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Weekly Joke

"So, a man says, 'I keep on seeing spots in front of my eyes.' 'Oh, no!' cries his friend.
'Have you seen a doctor yet?' The man says, 'no, just spots.' "

Friday, April 17, 2015

Weekly Limerick

A flea and a fly in a flue,
Were imprisoned, so what could they do?
Said the fly, "Let us flee!"
"Let us fly," said the flea,
And they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Who says sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?
[A guy who has never been hit with a dictionary.]

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Weekly Joke

"A kid sees a snake and later tells an adult.
When the adult says that that kind of snake isn't venomous,
the kid answers, 'If he can make me jump off a fifty-foot cliff,
he doesn't have to be!' "

Friday, April 10, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a young woman named Kite,
Whose speed was much faster than light,
She set out one day,
In a relative way,
And returned on the previous night.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Weekly Joke

"A kid is sent to the principal's office for shooting spitballs.
'What's wrong? Don't you like this school?' the principal asked.
'Oh, the school's okay,' the student answered,
'it's just the principal of the thing that bothers me!' "

Friday, April 3, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a young lady of Cork,
Whose Pa made a fortune in pork;
He bought for his daughter
A tutor who taught her
To balance green peas on her fork.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Very large and heavy,
Has a grey trunk,
Lives in Scotland,
And has baffled scientists for centuries?
[The Loch Ness elephant]

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Weekly Joke

" 'Do you think the skunk would be considered
a very popular animal?' the teacher asked.
'Not exactly,' the student answered,
'but it's always the scenter of attention.' "

Friday, March 27, 2015

Weekly Limerick

A canner, exceedingly canny,
One morning remarked to his granny,
"A canner can can
Anything that he can;
But a canner can't can a can, can he?"

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Eats salmon,
And lives in the Sahara Desert?
[One lost polar bear.]

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly Joke

" 'My feet are sore,' one bear said to another.
'I'm going to the mall to buy tennis shoes.'
'What for?' asked his friend.
'You're still going to
have bear feet.' "

Friday, March 20, 2015

Weekly Limerick

A major, with wonderful force,
Called out in Hyde Park for a horse.
All the flowers looked round,
But no horse could be found;
So he just rhododendron, of course.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Weekly Riddle

If a cow's head is pointed west, in
which direction is it's tail pointed?

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Weekly Joke

" 'Oooo! This wind is terrible,' said Emma.
'It's made a total mess of my hair!'
'Yeah,' agreed Joseph. 'You look like
you've been through a hairricane.' "

Friday, March 13, 2015

Weekly Limerick

Said an envious, crudite big ermine,
"There is one thing I cannot determine;
When a dame wears my coat,
She's a person of note;
 But when I wear it, I'm called a vermine!"

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you call a nine-foot high stack of frogs?
[A toad-em pole!]

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Weekly Joke

" 'My pet frog can work math problems,'
bragged Buster. 'No way,' said Bryce.
'Show me.' Buster held the frog in his palm
and asked it, 'What's ten minus ten?'
The frog said nothing.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a dear lady of Eden,
Who on apples was quite fond of feedin';
She gave one to Adam,
Who said, "Thank you, Madam,"
And then both skedaddled from Eden.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you get when you cross an
elephant with an overloaded computer?
[A crash through the jungle.]

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Weekly Joke

"A movie screenwriter waited eagerly for word
on whether her latest work had been accepted by any
of the film companies. She hounded her agent every day.
Finally, the agent phoned her to report. 'Good news,' the agent said.
'Warner Brothers loved your script and literally ate it up.'
'That's wonderful!' beamed the screenwriter.
'So when will they be making the movie?'
'Well, there's one small problem.
Warner Brothers is my dog....' "

Friday, February 27, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There was a young man so benighted
He never knew when he was slighted;
He would go to a party
And eat just as hearty,
As if he'd been really invited.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Which is correct?
Yolks of eggs are white, 

or yolks of eggs is white?
[Neither, because yolks of eggs are Yellow! (That's a yolk on you!)]

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Weekly Joke

So, a writer has an inspiration. "I've got it!" he cried.
"How about  I write a story about a broken pencil?"
 "Nah," says his comrade. "That would be pointless."

Friday, February 20, 2015

Weekly Limerick

A certain young fellow named Bee-Bee
Wished to wed a woman named Phoebe.
"But," he said, "I must see
What the clerical fee
Be before Phoebe be Phoebe Bee-Bee."

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Why did the sea urchin not talk to the oyster?
[Because he was clammy]

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Weekly Joke

 2 friends are talking.
 Friend 1: Hey, did you hear that they
are opening a home for retired yaks?
Friend 2: Yeah, but they can't get any publicity
because everyone says it's just old gnus.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There once was an ape in a zoo
Who looked out through the bars and saw YOU!
Do you think it's fair
To give poor apes a scare?
I think it's a mean thing to do.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Weekly Joke

Two friends are talking.
Friend 1: Did you hear about the boy who had his girlfriend put in jail?
Friend 2: Yeah, but why?
Friend 1: Well, it turns out that she stole his heart.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Weekly Video

And yes, to answer your question, 
it is very hard to figure out a good, funny 
movie. You can suggest a video to me 
in the comments, if you know a good one.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Weekly Limerick

There once was a lady named Sue
Who had nothing whatever to do
And who did it so badly
I thought she would gladly
Have stopped before she was through.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Weekly Joke

"So, Billy throughs a clock out a window.
Billy's mom says, 'Oh, Billy! You've broken the family clock! Why?'
Billy answers, 'Awe, Mom, I just wanted to see time fly!' "

Friday, January 30, 2015

Weekly Limerick

"I knew a word I now forget
That means, 'I am sorry we met
And I wish you the same.'
It sounds like your name
But I haven't remembered it yet."

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Weekly Riddle

Why did Darth Vader cross the road?
[To get to the dark side ; )]

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Weekly Pic

This Pic and the one from last week are for all those Whoovians out there!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Weekly Joke

"So, a pig walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water.
The bartender looks at the pig and says, 'Whoa, a talking pig!' "

Friday, January 23, 2015

Weekly Limerick

"There once was a lady named Sue
Who had nothing whatever to do
And who did it so badly
I thought she would gladly
Have stopped before she was through."

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you call a sour citrus that jumps off cliffs?
[A Lemming!]

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Weekly Joke

 "A man was looking out his window when he noticed
that there was a snail on one of his plants.
So he took the snail and threw him as far as he could.
Ten years later the old man heard a tap tap tap on his window,
and when he looked up he saw a very cross snail who looked
at him and said, 'Hey, what did you do that for?' "

Monday, January 19, 2015

Saturday, January 17, 2015

New STUFF!!!

Hi! As you can see, I've redone my blog to...
Spring Style!
Also, I've created another poll! Please vote!

Weekly Limerick

"There once was a hunter named Paul
Who strangled nine grizzlies one Fall.
Nine is such a good score,
So he tried for one more
But he lost. Well, you can't win them all!"

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What do you do if your dog chews a dictionary?
[Take the words out of his mouth!]

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Weekly Joke

Crazy Dictionary:

Friday, January 9, 2015

Weekly Limerick

"There once were two back-country geezers
Who got porcupine quills up their sneezers.
They sat beak to beak
For more than a week
Working over each other with tweezers."

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Weekly Riddle

What goes 99 thump,99 thump,99 thump?
[A centipede with a wooden leg.]
There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall, and he wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

Read more at: undefined | Great Clean Jokes
There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall, and he wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

Read more at: undefined | Great Clean Jokes
There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall, and he wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

Read more at: undefined | Great Clean Jokes
There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall, and he wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

Read more at: undefined | Great Clean Jokes
There is a clerk at the butcher shop, he is five feet ten inches tall, and he wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh?

Read more at: undefined | Great Clean Jokes

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Weekly Joke

"A boy asks his father, 'Dad, are bugs good to eat?'

'That’s disgusting — don’t talk about things like that over dinner,' the dad replies.

After dinner the father asks, 'Now, son, what did you want to ask me?'

'Oh, nothing,' the boy says. 'There was a bug in your soup, but now it’s gone.'"

Friday, January 2, 2015

Weekly Limerick

"There was a young fellow who thought
Very little, but thought it a lot.
Then at long last he knew
What he wanted to do,
But before he could start, he forgot."

Thursday, January 1, 2015